I've a lot to say about this work, so I'll cut to the chase.
Our final typography project of the year (yeah, already) was to create a leaflet which promotes walking to families, in order to keep them healthy and fit (see here). We were provided with the body copy, and a logo for the commissioning charity, but the rest was up to us.
The leaflet was a clumsy size to work with - imagine two landscape A4's next to one another, and then folded into 6 - creating 12 "sides" which were 210 by 99. Not easy to mock up, not particularly easy to print either. What it did offer though, was a wide scope for spreading the text over the sides quite nicely - there was a chance to experiment with scale, juxtaposition and colour, and I feel I did all these things fairly well.
If you click and zoom, you should be able to read the thing. The colours haven't coped well with the transfer from INDD to PDF to JPG, but you get the gist of what I was trying to do. You'll have to use your imagination as to where the page divdes are, as I didn't export the marks. This is the "inside", because when concertinaed the front and back pages needed to be on the reverse of the printout...
...as seen here. The black and white section in the centre is a poem which was to be present on the leaflet - I wanted this to appear a separate idea to the rest of the information - to make it stand out, but also so as to add variance in the design, lest it become boring.
I feel the type hangs quite well in the leaflet, especially on the first few pages in the inside, and the overall image I feel works. The image of the walking man at the start gives a feel of walking through the leaflet, helped by the colours. I'm quite pleased with it, my only concern would be that the poem looks perhaps too much of a separate entity to the main body, but in its own right I'm happy with the poem too.
I'll admit I wasn't enjoying doing this when I began the sketches, but the piece turned into something I really enjoyed - a culmination of a few skills I've learned this year, and a fairly decent end to this particular type module.